- Introduction, Nutrition Care Process: Nutrition Screening
- Nutrition Care Process: Nutrition Assessment
- Laboratory Data in Nutrition Assessment
- MNT in Anemia
- Nutrition Diagnosis and Intervention
- Food-Drug Interactions
- Integrative Medicine and Phytotherapy
- Diabetes
- Diabetes MNT Strategies
- Weight Management: Risk and Pathophysiology
- Weight Management: Medical and Nutritional Therapy
- Weight Management: Popular Approaches
- Eating Disorders
- CVD Prevalence, Risk, Pathophysiology
- CVD Treatment Guidelines and MNT
- Hypertension with JNC7 and MNT
- Heart Failure and Transplant
- Upper GI Disorders MNT
- Lower GI Disorders MNT
- Oral and Dental Health
- Digestion and Absorption Review