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Obstetric and Gynae
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sumber rujukan : Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine Obstetrics and Gynecology
operasional dan prosedur.....
dalam bentuk powerpoint presentation
Operational Obstetrics & Gynecology | Introduction to operational medicine and women in operational settings. |
Medical Support of Women in Military Settings | Deployment issues and Pre-deployment planning |
Sexual Assault | Dealing with victims of sexual assault. |
Breast Problems | Common breast problems and treatments. |
Breast Self-Exam | Step-by-step educational presentation for all women. Includes a brief video. |
Birth Control Pills | Management of BCP issues in operational environments is emphasized. |
Contraception | Alternative methods are explored. |
Abnormal Bleeding | Causes and treatments of abnormal bleeding. |
Vaginal Itching and Discharge | Expedient solutions for operational settings are presented. |
Vulvar Lesions | Images of the various vulvar lesions commonly encountered in operational settings. |
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) | This biology of this common virus is examined and various clinical treatments are explored. |
Abdominal and Pelvic Pain | Providing care to women in operational settings who suffer from abdominal or pelvic pain. |
Performing a Pap Smear | Step-by-step description of how to obtain a Pap smear. Includes a video. |
Problems with Urination | The variety of urination problems women may experience. |
Normal Pregnancy | The normal course of pregnancy and common, minor obstetrical problems. |
Abnormal Pregnancy | Significant obstetrical abnormalities during pregnancy. |
Normal Labor and Delivery | Management of the normal laboring patient. |
Abnormal Labor and Delivery | Common problems that may be encountered during labor and delivery. |
Care of the Newborn | Immediate post-delivery care of the newborn infant. |
How to Perform a Wet Mount | Step-by-step instructions on how to actually perform a wet mount and read the results under the microscope. Includes through-the-scope videos. |
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